Industry invited to submit a speaker abstract for consideration under the theme Packaging Globalisation: Deadline for Abstract: 17 November 2018

AIP_2018_NC_Call_For_Papers_Thumb2018 AIP National Conference Call for Speakers:
The Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) is currently at the planning stage of the 2018 National Conference that will be held at Marriott Resort Surfers Paradise, Queensland on 2nd and 3rd of May. Following a number of highly successful conferences, the 2018 AIP National Conference will be designed to deliver a two-day educational program that will cover a broad range of topics relating to the theme Packaging Globalisation. The AIP National Conference is designed for packaging designers, technologists, engineers, sales and marketing people and is the largest packaging and processing conference of its kind in Australia and New Zealand. Run by industry for industry the AIP National Conference has been leading the way in professional and personal development for decades and is a part of the annual Packaging & Processing Week.

Unique Offerings for 2018:
In 2018 the AIP is very proud to announce that it will also be hosting the 2018 WorldStar Packaging Awards, the 2018 Packaging & Processing Innovation & Design (PIDA) Awards and the 2018 World Packaging Organisation Board Meetings all alongside of the AIP National Conference; making it a truly international packaging event. It is anticipated that over 25 countries will be represented during the weeks activities which will ensure that your brand, company and solutions will be promoted on a global scale. The exhibition area for the 2018 AIP National Conference will be the direct catering area for all of the activities during the week; including the predinner drinks for the gala awards event on the 2nd of May.

List of Recommended Topics:
A list of topic areas is included for your consideration. These topics should be considered from the point of view of technical, environmental and consumer issues. This list is not limiting and any additional ideas would be welcomed. The AIP intend to break the conference predominantly into breakout sessions after the opening and keynote presentations, to ensure that a diverse range of issues and topics are covered over the two days. The AIP is looking for a broad range of speakers from all areas of the packaging industry to ensure that the National Conference offers something for everyone.

Partnership Opportunities:
There are a number of exclusive partnership opportunities available. Please email for further information on how your company can exhibit or partner with the conference or explore the other branding and promotional opportunities that will be made available during the week.


To download the Call for Speakers application form click here…

To download the Partnership Kit click here…