Over 130 members of the AIP. APPMA and the SCLAA, spent their annual Christmas party for the fifth consecutive year with a twist. The members spent the day packing a record 800 hampers, for Foodbank to distribute to those in need at Christmas; many of whom are without employment, families with young children and living on the poverty line.
As Ken McMillan, General Manager of Foodbank Queensland said on the day ”The Foodbank Hamper project is wonderful – you are all good people who are helping 800 families at Xmas. I can guarantee that the people who receive these hampers this year will cry because the hampers show that someone actually cares,”
The packing of the hampers was a culmination of twelve months of work, over $136,000 worth of goods raised to go inside the hampers and generous support from many companies across the country who assisted with the goods collection. This year’s hampers are worth over $170 each and are made up of food and personal hygiene products. In five years the AIP, SCLAA, APPMA and the QSCLC, have packed 3200 hampers to the value of over $386,000.
If you would like to be a part of this event in 2015, or wish to donate items for the hampers, please contact the AIP on info@aipack.com.au