WHEN: Wednesday 18th of October 2023
TIME: 10:00 am to 11:00 am (AEDT - Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney)
* check your local start time - click here..
WHERE: On-Line Via "Zoom"
Come and find out how Recycle Mate have partnered with APCO to provide leading recycling advice for used packaging providing the intersection between Check Locally, the waste and recycling end of the value chain and consumers.
The Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) Program is an on-pack labelling scheme that is helping consumers to recycle packaging correctly and supporting brand owners and packaging manufacturers to design packaging that is recyclable at end-of-life.
Recycle Mate communicates recycling education platform that combines artificial intelligence technology with Australia’s most comprehensive recycling directory to reduce contamination in recycling systems, improve resource recovery and support a circular economy.
Recycle Mate is dynamic – it communicates local recycling rules, it provides granular and current information to consumers as recycling systems evolve, as trials are implemented, and new schemes are rolled out. It provides kerbside advice and directs people to away from home recovery options.
The Australasian Recycling Label is the end goal – an on-pack label to provide the most easily accessible recycling/disposal advice for packaging formats accepted with consistent collection schemes nationally supported by mature recycling markets. Recycle Mate is helping to navigate the transition. Working together to support optimal recycling behaviours during a transitionary phase as our industry moves to a circular economy for used packaging.
COST: FREE to ALL - AIP Members, Friends & Industry Colleagues
* Want to become an AIP Member? Find out more about becoming a Member of the AIP here...

*CPE points are used to maintain your Certified Packaging Professional (CPP) credential.

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