WHEN: Wednesday 22nd of February 2023
TIME: 10:00 am to 11:00 am (AEDT)
* check your local start time - click here..
WHERE: On-Line Via "Zoom"
The Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) is proud to be a partner on a new campaign to empower small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to start using the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) on their packaging. This webinar will be showcasing the benefits of embedding the ARL on your packaging, the value it brings to your business, your customers and the environment. In addition the AIP will be discussing the new innovative and educational ARL Marketplace that has been designed for SMEs. If you are small to medium sized enterprise, or work with SMEs then this webinar will help you to better understand the ARL Marketplace.
What is the Australasian Recycling Label?
The Australasian Recycling Label or ARL is an on-pack label that provides easy-to-understand instructions about how to correctly dispose of all parts of a product’s packaging. Using the ARL makes it easy to meet your business’s sustainability obligations and generate a range of benefits for your business, your customers and the environment.
What is the ARL Marketplace?
The ARL Marketplace currently features a range of free educational tools, videos, factsheets, animations, and other resources including learning modules developed by the AIP that have been designed for SME’s. These tools provide SMEs with all the information they need to build more sustainable practices in their business and the AIP are also here to guide you through the process.
ARL Educational program
The ARL Marketplace has also been designed as an educational hub for SMEs. Right now, the site is home to a range of sustainable packaging tools and resources to help SMEs understand the value of sustainable packaging, including:
- Free training modules from the Australian Institute of Packaging, Australia’s peak professional body for packaging training and education.
- The Packaging Impact Calculator to help SMEs start to understand the environmental impacts of packaging design decisions.
- A range of informative fact sheets, animations and resource toolkits.
- Free tools and resources exploring what the ARL is and how it can benefit your business.
- Information on the latest events to learn more about the ARL and a range of other sustainable packaging topics.
- ARL Marketplace vendor program which will be launch in May 2023 to help bring SME’s and suppliers together.
The AIP is delivering this program in a four-way partnership with the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO), the National Retail Association (NRA), and the Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC). This project received grant funding from the Australian Government, which is committed to helping all SMEs put the ARL on their packaging and help customers recycle correctly..
COST: FREE to ALL - AIP Members, Friends & Industry Colleagues
* Want to become an AIP Member? Find out more about becoming a Member of the AIP here...

*CPE points are used to maintain your Certified Packaging Professional (CPP) credential.

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