new-diploma-sama-hall-2024-400pxThe AIP would like to congratulate our latest Diploma in Packaging Technology Graduate, Sama Hall Dip. Pkg. Tech. MAIP, Senior Process & Environmental Engineer, Hellers.  Internationally recognised as the premier qualification in the packaging industry the Diploma in Packaging Technology is a Level 5 PIABC, 51-credit foundation degree-level qualification that prepares students to take responsibility for packaging operations at any level through the supply chain and can also lead to higher level study. Sama kindly shared with the AIP what she learnt during her studies…

1. What is your current role? What are your areas of responsibility?

I am the Senior Process and Environmental Engineer at Hellers Limited, a smallgoods manufacturing company with sites across ANZ. I collaborate on new product development and improving efficiencies on existing processes.
I oversee the company’s environmental, social and governances (ESG streams) and as part of this, our packaging improvement projects including a shift towards more sustainable packaging.

2. What does graduating from the Diploma in Packaging Technology mean to you?

I feel more confident when making suggestions or reviewing/understanding our packaging used on site because I now have the understanding to back it.  I am also more confident using my voice because I have a technical packaging qualification to back up my knowledge and understanding.

3. How will you apply this knowledge moving forward?

The company is moving towards more sustainable packaging solutions and looking to make some big changes in the coming years – the knowledge I have gained from the Diploma in Packaging Technology will go a long way to helping us achieve those goals.

4. Do you have any advice on why other people should complete the Diploma in Packaging Technology?

Packaging is a really exciting, innovate space that is changing all the time. It is an area of study that will always be needed, especially with social trends towards convenient, sustainable packaging solutions. This Diploma in Packaging Technology will set you up well for a job in this field.

5. So where to from here for your career?

I will be more involved in company decisions around packaging and what we use. But looking well into the future, I now have the qualification to support a transition into more packaging focused roles, should I wish to.

6. Will you consider applying to become a Certified Packaging Professional as your next professional development stage?

Depends on how much study is involved!

Diploma in Packaging Technology Internationally recognised as the premier qualification in the packaging industry.


Completion of the Diploma in Packaging Technology demonstrates your commitment to your career and to the industry.

Students who successfully complete the Diploma in Packaging Technology are equipping themselves for progression within the packaging industry to a position where they can assume responsibility for packaging in a company at any point in the supply chain.