
The AIP would like to congratulate our latest Diploma in Packaging Technology Graduates, Michael Van Dord Dip.Pkg.Tech. MAIP, Packaging Technologist, Simplot Australia, Elena Leonteva Dip.Pkg.Tech. MAIP, Account Manager, Van Dyke Press and Sukhraj Singh Dip.Pkg.Tech. MAIP, Packaging Technologist, Abbe Corrugated.  Internationally recognised as the premier qualification in the packaging industry the Diploma in Packaging Technology is a Level 5 PIABC, 51-credit foundation degree-level qualification that prepares students to take responsibility for packaging operations at any level through the supply chain and can also lead to higher level study. Michael, Elena and Sukhraj kindly shared with the AIP what they learnt during their studies.

1. What is your current role? What are your areas of responsibility?

I currently work as a Packaging Technologist for Simplot Australia where I am responsible for supporting new product development, developing new packaging formats, progressing Simplot’s and industry sustainability targets through introducing new sustainable materials and machinery and lightweighting of current formats, understanding consumer market trends and how they affect the broader packaging landscape both locally and internationally.  I am currently focusing on the shelf sauces and shelf seafood categories.
My current role is an Account Manager in the Van Dyke Press in NSW.  We produce printed in-mould labelling and lidding foils. My main responsibility is to implement required sales levels and  to maintain reliable relationships with our customers, providing a high standard service.
My current role at Abbe Corrugated is as a Packaging Technologist. As part of a team, I support the quality coordinator in maintaining systems and compliance with the standards. My responsibilities include driving continuous improvement in manufacturing processes, conducting testing, and analysing results to ensure the highest quality standards are met.

2. What does graduating from the Diploma in Packaging Technology mean to you?

Graduating with the Degree gives me confidence in my packaging knowledge, my role and in the packaging industry. It shows that I have a great grounding in all packaging formats and understand the complexities in the packaging world. I would like to thank the AIP for developing the annual scholarship program to support up and coming packaging professionals and investing in their careers. Without the scholarship program I don’t think I would be where I am today.
Graduation of the Diploma in Packaging Technology degree is a great addition to my practical experience in packaging industry, where I have worked for almost 20 years now. This course gave me new knowledge and, of course, it broadened my area of expertise.
Graduating from a Diploma in Packaging Technology means a lot to me. It shows that I have learned important things about how packaging works, like what materials are best and how to design packages that keep products safe. Having the Degree is  like a stamp of approval that says I know what I am doing in the packaging world. It is not just about getting a piece of paper; it is about proving myself in a field that is super important for keeping things safe and making products look good on the shelves.

3. How will you apply this knowledge moving forward?

Through continuing to move into categories which I have not worked in before. By doing this I can make use of the knowledge gained in the degree and develop that knowledge through understanding complexities which arise from real world application with specific machinery and raw materials. I will continue to be active within the industry and share my knowledge whenever possible.
While undertaking the degree, I started using a lot of information from it in my current work and I will continue doing so in my future career.
Moving forward, I plan to apply the knowledge gained from the Diploma in Packaging Technology by contributing to innovative solutions that address sustainability, efficiency, and consumer appeal. whether working in product development, manufacturing, or consulting, I aim to utilise my expertise to create packaging that not only protects products but also minimises environmental impact and enhances brand value.

4. Do you have any advice on why other people should complete the Diploma in Packaging Technology?

When I started the Diploma in Packaging Technology I was working for Caps and Closures as a Technical and Design Engineer. Caps and Closures design, develop, manufacture and import some of the world’s best plastic injection moulded closures and while I was an expert in that segment of the industry from a engineering and design perspective. This degree gave me an understanding of the whole industry and the varied packaging formats which it covers allowing me to grow into areas and businesses which may have been closed off to my specific skill set.
First of all, study is useful at any age. It allows you to learn modern technologies in our industry and to upgrade existing knowledge. Moreover, study keeps you motivated and organised. It is worth completing the degree to get more chances for future opportunities. In fact, this degree can open new horizons for your career.  And finally, completion of the Diploma degree is an important step towards attaining a certified packaging professional qualification.
Completing a Diploma in Packaging Technology opens doors to a world of opportunities in a crucial industry that impacts our daily lives. It equips you with practical knowledge and skills in designing, manufacturing, and managing packaging solutions. This Diploma is not just about boxes or materials; it is about understanding how packaging influences product safety, sustainability and consumer perception.

5. So where to from here for your career?

To remain in the packaging world with Simplot building my experience in different categories while sharing my knowledge with the rest of the packaging team at Simplot and when possible, the wider industry with an aim to become a Senior Packaging Technologist.
Well, I don’t know yet. But I am definitely not going to stop here. Life is unpredictable and full of surprises!
Now, I will continue in my current role at ABBE. Graduating with a Diploma in Packaging Technology is proving to be quite advantageous. Currently, I am working on a few sustainability projects in my company, and I am very excited about it. I am genuinely hopeful that this journey will pave the way for me to advance further in my career and unlock new opportunities.

6. Will you consider applying to become a Certified Packaging Professional as your next professional development stage?

Yes, this will be something I discuss with the team at Simplot and see if I can get the rest of my packaging team to complete it at the same time.
Yes, some time later I would like to become a CPP.
Attaining certification as a packaging professional is now a primary goal of mine, as it promises to significantly augment my professional trajectory and broaden my expertise.

The Diploma in Packaging Technology has been designed to take in to account the experiences of training through the pandemic and the results of research undertaken on the ideal learner journey. The course is comprised of short, bite-sized modules that you can study at a time and pace to suit you on a variety of devices.
Completion of the Diploma in Packaging Technology demonstrates your commitment to your career and to the industry.
Students who successfully complete the Diploma in Packaging Technology are equipping themselves for progression within the packaging industry to a position where they can assume responsibility for packaging in a company at any point in the supply chain.