The Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) is the peak professional body for packaging education and training in Australasia; helping to shape the careers of generations of packaging professionals – from packaging technologists to international packaging business leaders along with a host of people in associated disciplines – sales and marketing, purchasing, production and environment.

The AIP was founded in 1963 in response to a need for packaging technologists to interact and provide a professional identity for individuals within the packaging industry. Having served the industry for 60 years the AIP is the only professional body designed to provide professional and personal development to all levels of the packaging industry; educational offerings include the Diploma in Packaging Technology, the Certificate in Packaging, the Master in Food & Packaging Innovation, Certified Packaging Professional (CPP) Designation, Fundamentals of Packaging Technology course, half-day training courses, conferences, technical forums, site visits, Influential Women’s Mentoring program, internship program and more. The AIP covers Australia, New Zealand and parts of Asia.

AIP Mission Statement

  • To serve as an independent professional body of packaging specialists.
  • To promote professional standards of competency through education and training.
  • To advance and promote the standing of packaging specialists as a profession.
  • To serve and establish the confidence of the community in the packaging profession.
  • To aim towards professional qualifications for all Members.
  • To uphold professional integrity and ethics within the profession of packaging.
  • To influence regional and global packaging communities

On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to invite you to join the Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) and participate in the benefits of membership.


John Bigley MAIP






DOWNLOAD: 60th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet.


