
How do you find the sweet spot for optimum packaging design and reduce food waste at the same time?

In the latest Food Waste Matters podcast Jayne Gallagher is in conversation with our very own Executive Director Nerida Kelton FAIP who is also the Vice President Sustainability & Save Food, for the World Packaging Organisation (WPO).

Specifically, Jayne and Nerida talk about five key functional criteria categories for saving food packaging; these include:

  1. Design to contain and protect food.
  2. Design to preserve and extend shelf life.
  3. Design to provide consumer convenience.
  4. Design to communicate with consumers.
  5. Design to balance food and packaging waste targets.

Nerida shares numerous resources for the Food Waste Matters listeners, which can all be found in the show notes on your favourite podcast player.

Nerida is proud that the AIP is now leading the way as one of the global packaging experts. Packaging’s role in minimising food waste is an important part of improving and promoting global collaboration. How do you find the sweet spot for optimum packaging design and reduce food waste at the same time?




